Even though it is not frequent as in men, hair loss is also seen widely in women. Hair follicles of women are thin and hair transplantation needs to be carried out more frequently....
After a successful hair transplantation, 100% of the hair is required to grow both in DHI and micro forceps transplantation. If all the hair does not grow, the problem....
PRP, Platelet-Rich Plasma, is a popular application in cosmetic implementations today. Hair transplantation and PRP can be combined in two different ways....
Chest hair can be used in the third place when the hair follicles in the nape and beard areas are insufficient. These hair follicles are in single groups and grow slowly....
Denser and natural appearance can be obtained in hairless or sparse areas. With local anesthesia by specialist doctors, surgery can be completed with minimal pain....
العلاج الطبي مفيد قبل زراعة الشعر ولكن يجب إيقاف المينوكسيديل الموضعي قبل 3 أيام من زراعة الشعر إذا تم استخدامه. لا تستخدم الأسبرين وغيره من مضادات الالتهاب .
إجراء تحليل الشعر باستخدام منظار الجلد أو trichogram يعطي تحليلا أكثر تفصيلا. يمكن تحليل نجاح كل من العلاج الطبي وزراعة الشعر نسبيا قبل زراعة الشعر